Week of February 22 2021 - Hypertrophy Week 4


Climbing Day

Post Climb Accessory Work

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Strict Dips
b. Horizontal Ring Rows with TRX Straps
c. DB-Weighted Hanging Knee Raises

*Today's Hard Sets are 0-1



8 Sets
3 Hip-Hang Snatches (55%-85%)


5 x 3-Min Rounds* FIT
400m Run
10 KB Left-arm Swings (45)
10 KB Right-arm Swings
ARMAP Lateral Burpees

*Rest 3-Minutes Between Rounds


Climbing Day



9 Rounds FIT
3 Strict C2B Pull-ups (Or, as high as you can pull-up)
6 Push Presses (95)
9 Box Jumps (20")

Accessory Work

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Bench Press (40s)
b. Double Dumbbell Bent-over Rows
c. Plank Opposite Arm Opposite Leg Raise and Holds

*Today's Hard Sets are 0-1 RIR.



21-15-9 Reps FIT
Romanian Deadlifts* (135)
Step-ups (24")

*Only go as low as your mobility allows to have zero change in spine shape. Your bottom position of the RDL will be the same as your bottom position of the Stiff-Legged Hip Hinge Movement Test

Accessory Work

2 Hard Sets on Each Leg
Bulgarian Split Squats (125)

*Today's Hard Sets are 2 RIR.

Saturday / Sunday

Climb & Recover

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