MovementLink Programs
We want to have a profound and positive impact on your life.
In Person in Austin, TX and Online

MovementLink.FIT Gym
Where hard work meets smart work as you develop strength, cardio, and flexibility.
Life and Nutrition Coaching
There is not a one size fits all solution to managing life’s problems and most people are dying to finally find a solution that works for their unique circumstances. I love helping cut through all the myths and misconceptions that are holding people back and show them that living a successful, healthy lifestyle is not only sustainable long term, but doesn’t require feeling deprived. We should all be looking for ways to improve ourselves and I love helping people build a foundation on which they can build on for the rest of their lives.
Personal Training
My passion with personal training revolves around improving people's enjoyment of life through fitness, health, and wellness. I am obsessed with efficiency and efficacy, and through our personal training sessions together we will find a realistic path that improves your fitness and body composition while also improving your tissue and joint health and overall health and wellness. In my opinion, people’s workouts should not only improve functional performance and aesthetics now, but lay a foundation for longevity and health span.
Weight-Loss Programs
The MOMENTUM program provides the coaching, accountability, and support to Finally Get Sustainable, BIG Results without taking over your life of feeling deprived. Learn how to make the rest of your day work FOR you and not against.
Movement Screen and Mobility Workshop
We all have issues caused by incorrect, but habitual movements. Sometimes the solution is improved technique, but sometimes your body is simply stuck and has to work around issues with your tissues and/or joints causing disfunction. By removing tightness and impingements, nagging aches and pains will be resolved and you’ll be freed to not only enjoy and pain-free life, but unlock more efficient performance.
I’d love to assess you with the MovementLink Mobility Screen, teach you the proven MovementLink Mobility protocols, and get a plan together to resolve anything we find.
Custom Workout Programs
Customized to your fitness level, your equipment, your goals, and your life. Every single person is different. We have different experience, have different strengths and weaknesses, have different bodies, and have different equipment around to use, and certainly have differences in our goals and what we are looking to get out of our workouts. Your efforts should push you in the exact direction you want to go.
Through MovementLink personal programming, not only will the workouts progress you towards your fitness goals, but we provide links to demo videos, so there’s no question about if you are doing the correct exercise. Along with each workout is a short video lesson, specific to your context, that will build your knowledge, technique, and understanding along the way.
Video Analysis
Through video analysis and commentary of your workouts and lifts, I can pinpoint any technique, timing, leverage, and mobility and stability issues for you to work on. Then, using slow motion video, setting up dual frames and video comparisons, and syncing videos, we can provide you with analysis using drawings and audio commentary to provide you exactly what we’re seeing. As part of the video analysis, I’ll give you tips, progressions, and next steps.
I am obsessed with improving technique in all things weightlifting, gymnastics, kipping, and endurance. If you are interested in making sure you are getting everything you can out of your technique, I’ll send you a link to my video coaching app and then all you’ll need to do is hit record on your phone and send it over! The process is super easy and I’ll take care of the rest!
Coach Development Workshops
I love working with the interested, open-minded, and those truly looking to better themselves. Those who understand that regardless of the level we are currently at, there is still so much to learn and that we need to keep pushing our knowledge and experience forward. I do not know everything, but I am extremely curious and love sharing what I have learned and experienced over the 10+ years of owning and operating a gym, being the head coach and programmer, running specialty programs, giving seminars, and being an online coach. I am always excited to take people through the MovementLink Coach Development Program to share with them my methods, why I do and say the things the way I do in classes and in personal training, and provide the behind the scenes look into opening a gym, managing a gym, workout programming, and all the fun stuff! Along with the technical side of coaching, I’ll also provide you guidance on building a career as a coach and the perspective of the people potentially looking to hire you at their gym and exactly what they want to hear! I’d LOVE to work with you!
Topics Include:
Introducing New Clients to Your Methods
Technique Coaching
Movement and Mobility
Workout Programming
Developing Your Career
Managing Group Classes
Managing a Business
Nutrition and Lifestyle for Fat Loss, Performance, and Health.
Snatch Course/Workshop
I want to significantly improve your snatch. With more than 10,000 hours of experience, I have developed an online snatch program designed to get you to the next level. By understanding and working on the key components of the snatch and then building the snatch from the top down, beginners and elite athletes alike have significantly improved their snatch numbers with MovementLink methods. This program will help you understand, feel, and develop the individual pieces of the snatch and then systematically put them together to make improvements throughout your lifts. In this program you will get progression and skill workouts along with movement tests to see if any ranges of motion are limiting your performance.
Online Snatch Course