A Guide to Squats and Its Variations

Body-weight Squats

Air Squats

One-legged Squats (Pistol Squats)

Split Squats with Just Body-weight

Jumping Air Squats

Back Squat Demo Videos

Back Squats (High-Bar Position)

Back Squats (Low-Bar Position)

Sandbag Back Squats

Sandbag Back Squats (R)

Front Squat Demo Videos

Goblet Squats


Overhead Squat Demo Videos


Sandbag Bear Hug Squats


Accessory Exercises

Bulgarian Split Squat Demo Videos

Bulgarian Split Squats with Just Body-weight

Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats

Dumbbell One-arm Bulgarian Split Squats

Ruck Bulgarian Split Squats

Good Mornings

Good Morning

Band Good Morning

Good Morning Squat


Band Overhead Reverse Squat


Glute Exercises

Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell Hip Bridge

Barbell Frog Pump

Glute Ham Developer (GHD)

GHD Hip Extensions

GHD Back Extensions

GHD Sit-ups

Technique Videos


This Squat page is a major work in progress and will be updated in the near future…