Workout 5 - Peak Week 1

1. Strength

Bench Press
1 Set of 5 (40% = 55)
1 Set of 5 (55% = 80)
1 Set of 5 (65% = 95)
1 Set of 4 (70% = 100)
1 Set of 3 (75% = 105)
1 Set of 2 (80% = 115)
1 Set of 1 (85% = 120)
5 Sets of 1 (90% = 130)

2. Accessory

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Incline Chest Flys
b. Double Dumbbell Bent-over Rows
c. Ring Supported Leg Raises

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 3-4 Rep Shy of Failure

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Bench Presses
b. Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls
c. Dumbbell Russian Twists

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 3-4 Rep Shy of Failure

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Guest UserPeak Week 1 of 3
Workout 2 - Strength Week 4

1. Oly

8 Sets of 2 (55-85%=65-100)

2. MetCon

30 Overhead Squats (30%=45)
30 Knees-to-elbows
30 Sit-ups
30 Sumo-deadlift High-Pulls*
30 Sit-ups
30 Knees-to-elbows
30 Overhead Squats

15-Minute Time Cap

*For SDHPs with 45lb, don’t go from the ground, just get the barbell mid-shin for each rep.

3. Accessory

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Strict Ring Dip Negatives
b. Strict Pull-up Negatives
c. Anchored Laying Leg Raises

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 1-2 Reps Shy of Failure

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Workout 4 - Strength Week 4

1. MetCon

5 Rounds FIT
8 DB/KB Left-arm Hang Clean and Jerks (40)
8 DB/KB Left-arm Overhead Lunges
8 DB/KB Right-arm Hang Clean and Jerks
8 DB/KB Right-arm Overhead Lunges
400m Run

30-Minute Time Cap

2. Accessory

3 Hard Sets*
Heavy Sandbag Hold and Walks

*Don't go to failure, but make each set really hard.
**I don’t have a video for this yet, but it’s just pick up the sandbag and bear hug it on your chest and then walk.

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Workout 5 - Strength Week 4

1. Strength

Bench Press
1 Set of 6 (40%=55)
1 Set of 3 (55%=80)
1 Set of 3 (65%=95)
1 Set of 3 (70%=100)
3 Sets of 6 (75%=105)
1 Set of 6 (65%=95)

2. Accessory

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Chest Flys
b. Barbell Bent-over Rows
c. Barbell Roll-outs

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 1 Rep Shy of Failure

3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Deficit Push-ups then Deficit Knee Push-ups**
b. Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 1 Rep Shy of Failure
**Do a hard set of deficit push-ups, then immediately do a hard set of deficit knee push-ups as a drop set.

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Workout 5 - Strength Week 3 of 4

1. Strength

Bench Press
1 Set of 6 (40%)
1 Set of 3 (55%)
1 Set of 3 (65%)
1 Set of 3 (70%)
1 Set of 6 (75%)
1 Set of 6 (70%)
2 Sets of 6 (65%)

2. Accessory Work

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Chest Flys
b. Barbell Bent-over Rows
c. Barbell Roll-outs

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 1-2 Reps Shy of Failure

3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Deficit Push-ups then Deficit Knee Push-ups**
b. Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 1-2 Reps Shy of Failure
**Do a hard set of deficit push-ups, then immediately do a hard set of deficit knee push-ups as a drop set.

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