Base #2 Week 1 - Saturday

Brunch After DUBS!!!

Macrocycle: “There’s Something About Mary-thon” - Week 5 of 16
Mesocycle: Base #2 of 2
Minicycle: Week 1 of 3


Perform 10+ Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Your lifestyle habits are what make you are fit, functional, and healthy.

Workout 1

One Person Works at a Time

4min AMRAP
4min AMRAP

Score is
Partner A: Reps x Weight
Partner B: Reps x Weight

*Females divide weight by 0.7

Workout 2

Part 1

In Teams of 2

0.5mi Air Bike*
AMRAP Pull-ups**

*Each partner must complete their air bike before they can proceed to their pull-ups. Partner B cannot start air bike until partner A has finished. Whichever partner starts first on the air bike here in Part 1 will start second on the air bike in Part 2.

Score is
Partner A: Reps x Pts for Variation
Partner B: Reps x Pts for Variation

Pull-up Variations (Can only choose 1):
Ring Rows = 1pt each
2x Green Bands = 2pts each
Green Band = 4pts each
Purple Band = 8pts each
Chin-over the bar Kipping = 15pts each
Kipping C2B Pull-ups or Strict Pull-ups = 45pts each

-----5min Rest----

Part 2

0.5mi Air Bike*
AMRAP Burpees-to-Plate

*Each partner must complete thier air bike before they can proceed to AMRAP and partner A cannot start air bike until partner B has finished. Whichever partner started on the Air Bike in Part 1 must be second on the Air Bike in Part 2.

Score is
Partner A: Reps
Partner B: Reps

Workout 3

Sharing the Workout

6min AMRAP
One Person Works at a Time
Row for Cals

----1min Rest----

6min AMRAP

Relay after Each Full Round
6 Toes-to-bars*
10 Double DB Thrusters (*)

*See scoring below for TTB and Thruster scaling

----1min Rest----

6min AMRAP
One Person Works at a Time

Row for Cals

Score is total team cals on the rower x 15


Partner A: Total Reps x Weight (Divide by 0.7 if Female) & (Divide by 2 if Hanging Knee Raises)
Partner B: Total Reps x Weight (Divide by 0.7 if Female) & (Divide by 2 if Hanging Knee Raises)

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