Week of February 01 2021 - Hypertrophy Week 1
Climbing Day
Post Climb Accessory Work
3 Hard* Super Sets**
a. Strict Dips
b. Horizontal Ring Rows with TRX Straps
c. DB-Weighted Hanging Knee Raises
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR. That means stop your set with 3-4 reps in reserve or 3-4 reps shy of failure.
**For Super Sets, complete one set of a, then b, then c and repeat for the number of total sets resting as needed between exercises, so muscle fatigue of the primary muscle groups is the limiting factor and not cardio, will, or a secondary muscle like forearms.
In this video I talk about using your core in the AbMat sit-up, but the same principle applies to leg raises. If we are not bracing properly, then we are going to pull with the hip flexors, so we want to be very intentional about developing the strongest movement patterns. You may already be good at this, but it will be good to check in regardless.
8 Sets
2 Hip-Hang Power Snatches* + 1 Overhead Squat with Pause** (55%-75%)***
*By “Hip-hang” I just mean to never let the bar leave your hip crease as you set-up, dip, and drive.
**Overhead squat to your lowest, best (threshold) position, and pause for 3 seconds before coming up.
***Start at 55%. If all three reps look and feel good, add weight. You may work up to 75%, but the priority is working at your technique threshold and not just adding weight because that's what a program says to do.
2 x 5-Minute AMRAPs FIT* (5-Minute Rest Between)
5 Thrusters
10 Overhead Lunges (65)**
20 Double Unders
*FIT = For Intensity and Technique. This means it is training. Go as hard as you can, but only do reps within the framework of really good technique and posture.
**If I only write one weight, that means you will use the same weight for all weighted exercises in the workout. So here you will use 65lbs for the thrusters as well as the overhead lunges.
Climbing Day
15-Minute AMRAP FIT
10 Box Jumps (16")
10 Kettlebell Left-arm Swings (35)
10 Kettlebell Right-arm Swings (35)
10 Deficit Wide-grip Push-ups (on DBs)
Accessory Work
3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Double Dumbbell Bench Press (40s)
b. Double Dumbbell Bent-over Rows
c. Barbell Roll-outs
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR. That means stop your set with 3-4 reps in reserve or 3-4 reps shy of failure.
Stability Endurance
Accumulate 8 Total Reps on Each Side
DB Turkish Get-ups (25)
1-2-3-...-10 Reps FIT
Front Squats (95)
Lateral Burpees
Accessory Work
2 Hard Sets on Each Leg
Bulgarian Split Squats (95)
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR.