Dumbbell Workout Program - Week 1

0. Recovery Sessions

10 Minutes of
Movement and Mobility

*Perform Each AM if you workout in the PM or vice versa.



1. MetCon

14-Minute AMRAP
16 Push-ups
8 DB Alternating One-arm Snatches (50/35/Heavy DB)
8 Double DB Overhead Lunges (50s/35s/Heavy DBs)
8 DB Alternating One-arm Snatches

Scaling and Equipment Substitutions:

16 Push-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~No more than 40% of your Max Set of Push-ups Each Round
~Push-ups to Banded Push-ups to Knee Push-ups

8 DB Alternating One-arm Snatches (50/35/Heavy DB)

Equipment Substitutions:
~14 DB Alternating One-arm Snatches (35/25/Medium)
~7 Ruck One-arm Snatches on Each Arm
~7 KB Swings (70/53/Heavy)
~12 KB Swings (53/35/Medium)

8 Double DB Overhead Lunges (50s/35s/Heavy DBs)

Equipment Substitutions:
~12 Double DB/KB Overhead Lunges (35s/25s/Medium)
~6 DB/KB One-arm Overhead Lunges on Each Arm (50/35/Heavy)
~8 DB/KB/Ruck One-arm Overhead Lunges on Each Arm (35/25/Medium)



1. Positional Strength

5 Sets for Quality
15-Second Double DB Overhead Hold

Scaling and Substitutions:

Equipment Substitutions:
~15-Second Double DB/KB Overhead Hold (As Heavy As Possible)
~15-Second DB/KB/Ruck/Sandbag Overhead Hold (As Heavy As Possible)

2. MetCon

11-Minute AMRAP FIT
Lateral Burpees
Double DB Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (50s/35s/Heavy DBs)

Scaling and Substitutions:

Lateral Burpees

Fitness Level Scaling:
Do a Burpee and jump over something shorter or just a line on the ground. Do not step-over.

Double DB Sumo-deadlift High-pulls (50s/35s/Heavy DBs)

Equipment Substitutions:
~KB SDHP (As Heavy As Possible)
~Sandbag SDHP
~Double DB SDHP (As Heavy As Possible)
~DB/Ruck One-arm SDHP on Each Arm (As Heavy As Possible)



1. Endurance

10 x 2-Minute Rounds
40m Sprint
Rest with Remaining Time in Round



10 Minutes of
Movement and Mobility



1. Stability Endurance

For Quality
30 DB/KB/Ruck Alternating Turkish Get Ups (Light)

10-Minute Time Cap

Scaling and Substitutions:

Equipment Substitutions:
~Sandbag-on-shoulder Get-ups
~DB/KB/Ruck-on-shoulder Get-ups

2. MetCon

8-Minute AMRAP
4 DB/KB Right-arm Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35/Heavy DB)
4 DB/KB Left-arm Hang Clean and Jerks
8 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”/Low)

———2-Minute Rest———

8-Minute AMRAP

4 DB/KB Right-arm Hang Clean and Jerks
4 DB/KB Left-arm Hang Clean and Jerks
8 Toes-to-bars

Scaling and Substitutions:

4 DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35/Heavy DB)

Equipment Substitutions:
~6 DB/KB/Ruck Hang Clean and Jerks (35/25/Medium)

8 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”/Low)

Fitness Level Scaling:
~8 Lateral Bounding DB/KB/Ruck Jump-overs
~8 Lateral Bounding Jump-over a Line
Equipment Substitutions:
~16 Lateral Bounding DB/KB/Ruck Jump-overs
~16 Lateral Bounding Jump-over a Line

8 Toes-to-bars

Fitness Level Substitutions:
~TTB to Hanging Knee Raises to Anchored Leg Raises (Candlesticks)
Equipment Substitutions:
~Anchored Leg Raises (Candlesticks)



1. MetCon

200m Run
20 Push-ups
1-Minute Rest
400m Run
20 Push-ups
2-Minutes Rest
600m Run
20 Push-ups
3-Minutes Rest
800m Run
20 Push-ups

22-Minute Time Cap

Scaling and Substitutions:

200-400-600-800m Run

Fitness Level Scaling:
7:30 - 10:00 Best Mile: 100m-200m-400m-600m
10:00+ Best Mile: 100m-200m-300m-400m

20 Push-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~No more than 50% of your Max Set of Push-ups Each Round
~Push-ups to Banded Push-ups to Knee Push-ups



10 Minutes of
Movement and Mobility

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