Workout 5 - Hypertrophy Week 1 of 3
Chris N and Morgan P know the secret to success in an AM vs PM Competition is team uniforms!!!
AM vs PM Competition
The Barbell Redemption - “Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.”
If you consider yourself an AM’er or PM’er or not, here is your chance to throw down in our friendly, semi-annual AM vs PM gym competition!!! Our last event was cancelled due to COVID-19, but we have our COVID precautions under control and have designed a competition plan that will allow us to social distance and adhere to all gym precautions.
Join us for a friendly and fun competition on Saturday October 17. The below competition designed for Outsiders Barbell with scaling for all fitness levels in mind, so it doesn't matter if you are just starting out or are advanced, everyone can participate and contribute! Come joint the fun! Your team needs you!!!
Here’s how it’s going to work for in-person, Outsiders Barbell members…
Through MindBody, just like a class, you will register for either an AM Team or a PM Team heat for October 17. There will be two heat options for each team, so be sure to register for the heat time for your team that works best for you. You only need to register for one heat time. If you’re unsure what team you fit into, the AM teams typically could use more people, so you’ll be an honorary AM’er. You must be a member of the gym or a punch card holder to participate.
On event day, just like a class, you can show up for your registered heat time up to 15 minutes before your heat starts.
Coach Kyle will be there to walk your heat through the rules, setting up, and completing all the events. All events can be scaled to ANY fitness level.
We will take your scores and add them to an AM vs PM leader board ultimately determining who wins the AM vs PM Golden Bumper Plate.
AM Team Heat Options:
AM Team Heat 1: 7:30am
AM Team Heat 2: 10:30am
PM Team Heat Options:
PM Team Heat 1: 9:00am
PM Team Heat 2: 12:00pm
*You only need to choose 1 heat to participate in.
At-Home Variations of the Events will be Posted at the Very Bottom of this Page.
Event 1 - Grip It and Rip It
Max Clean and Jerk
Event 2 - Pull Yourself Up
Max Set of Bar Muscle-ups or Variation
Event 3 - Hang On
7-Minute AMRAP
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
5 Dumbbell Left-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
Event 4 - Get Over It
3-Minute AMRAP
Burpee + Box Get-overs
Event 5 - Pick Yourself Back Up
Dumbbell Get-up + Dumbbell Box Get-over
Event 6 - Under Pressure
1-Minute AMRAP
Double Unders
Full Event Descriptions, Scaling, and Scoring Below
Event 1
15-Minutes to Find
1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
Event 1 Rules:
1. You must stand all the way up with the barbell controlled overhead for the rep to count.
2. Score is Weight (Females Divide their weight by .7)
Event 2
1-Minute AMRAP
Choose One:
Bar Muscle-ups
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
45-Degree Ring Rows
Event 2 Rules:
1. You can break up your sets and do as many sets as you can fit within the minute.
2. A minimum of 5 reps must be completed for a score to count on any given level.
3. Score is the total number of reps completed.
4. You will be ranked within your level. Last last place at the Bar Muscle Up level will be ranked 1 higher than 1st place at the C2B Pull-up level and so on.
Event 3
7-Minute AMRAP
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
5 Dumbbell Left-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
1. Only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the ground at the bottom of each snatch.
2. Back knee must touch the ground at the bottom of each overhead lunge.
3. Participants must stand up all the way with the dumbbell held with a straight arm directly over their body at the top of every rep of the snatches and the lunges.
4. Choose ANY weight dumbbell that you’d like and that is available.
5. Score is Total Reps x DB Weight (Females Divide their weight by .7)
Events 4, 5, and 6
Events 4 5, & 6 will be completed back-to-back-to-back as one workout with 1-minute of transition time in between, but will be scored as three distinct events.
Event 4
3-Minute AMRAP
Burpee + Box Get-overs [0:00-3:00]
1. Box Heights (20"/16")
2. You may step on or over, jump on, or jump over the box.
3. A rep is complete when both feet touch the ground on the other side of the box.
4. Score is Total Reps
Event 5
2-Minute AMRAP
Dumbbell Get-up + Dumbbell Box Get-over [4:00-6:00]
1. Box Heights (20"/16")
2. Choose ANY dumbbell weight you would like.
3. Each rep starts with you laying completely on the ground on your back with a dumbbell in one hand touching that same shoulder.
4. You may not touch the dumbbell with your opposite hand at any time during the rep.
5. The dumbbell may not leave your shoulder at any time during the rep.
6. You may step on or straight over the box. You DO NOT have to stand up all the way on the box.
7. A rep is complete when both feet touch the ground on the other side of the box.
8. You must alternate arms after every rep.
9. Score is Total Reps x Dumbbell Weight (Females divide their weights by .7)
Event 6
For Reps
1-Minute Double Unders [7:00-8:00]
1. Score is Number of Double Unders.
2. You may do single unders, but someone who does 1 double under will be ranked higher than anyone submitting a single under score.
Recovery Session
Perform in the AM if your workout in the PM or in the PM if you workout in the AM.
Accessory Athlete Bonus Work
Why, When, and How and Do You Even Need to Add Bonus Work?
Pre-Class Oly Bonus (Level 1)
Accessory Work (REPLACEMENT for the AM vs PM Competition) - Upper Body (Level 2)
Bench Press
1 Set of 5 (40%)
1 Set of 5 (55%)
3 Sets of 10 (60%)
3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Double DB/KB Chest Flys
b. Barbell Bent-over Rows
c. Weighted AbMat Sit-ups
*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 2-4 Reps Shy of Failure
3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Deficit Push-ups
b. Deficit Knee Push-ups
c. Barbell Roll-outs
*Today's "Hard Sets" should be 2-4 Reps Shy of Failure
Timing Information Explained:
X:00 Competition Intro and Event 1 Description - Clock Counting Down to X:10 Event 1 Start
X:10 - X:25 Event 1 -15:00 Clock Counting Down
X:26 Event 2 Description - Clock Counting Down to X:30 Event 1 Start
X:30 - X:31 Event 2 - 1:00 Clock Counting Down
X:32 Event 3 Description - Clock Counting Down to X:40 Event 3 Start
X:40 Event 3 - 7:00 Clock Counting Down
X:48 Events 4, 5 & 6 Description - Clock Counting Down to X:55 Event 4 5, & 6 Start
X:55 Events 4, 5, & 6 - 8:00 Clock Counting Up
MovementLink programming is designed to be able to take place in 1 hour group classes. Gym schedules may have classes start at different times 5:30 AM, 6 AM, 8:45 AM, etc. We believe in creating a WOW experience to clients ever time they walk into the gym. On thing we feel like they deserve is to have their classes start and finish on time. We plan our classes to the minute, with some buffer zones, to ensure we finish within the hour and use our time as wisely as possible. The Timing references above are for coaches running classes and for people following along in open gym or at home to make sure their workouts don’t end up taking longer than they need to.
X:10 refers to 10 minutes into class. If the class started at 6:00 AM, X:10 refers to 6:10 AM. If the class starts at 8:45 AM, X:10 refers to 8:55 AM.
In the Advanced Athlete section. You may find a negative time, like X:neg5. For a 6:00 AM class, this would refer to 5:55 AM and for a 8:45 AM class, this would refer to 8:40 AM. Another note on these negative timings, is that they are assuming the athlete is going to warm-up on their own and are designed to tell the athlete the last possible time that they are able to start their bonus work and still join the class for the next section. In this scenario, the athlete completing bonus work will have warmed up on their own and therefore does not need to warm-up again with the class. They simply need to be finished with bonus work before it’s time for the coach to talk and prep for the first section in class.
At-Home Event Variations
Event 1 Variations
For Reps
Max Set of Double Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (As Heavy As Possible)
Equipment Substitutions:
DB/KB/Ruck Non-dominant-arm, One-arm Clean and Jerks (As Heavy As Possible), rest 15-seconds then your dominant arm.
Event 2 Variations
For Reps
Choose One: Max Unbroken Set of
Bar Muscle-ups
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
45-Degree Ring Rows
Equipment Substitutions:
~1-Minute AMRAP Burpee + Double DB/KB Clean (50s/35s/Heavy)
~1-Minute AMRAP Burpee + Double DB/KB Clean (35s/25s/Medium)
~1-Minute AMRAP Burpee + 2 DB/KB Alternating One Arm Cleans (50/35/Heavy)
~1-Minute AMRAP Burpee + 2 DB/KB Alternating One Arm Cleans (35/25/Medium)
~1-Minute AMRAP Burpee + 2 Ruck Alternating One Arm Cleans
Event 3
7-Minute AMRAP
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
5 Dumbbell Left-arm Snatches
5 Dumbbell Right-arm Overhead Lunges
Equipment Substitutions:
~Use a KB or a Ruck
Event 4
3-Minute AMRAP
Burpee + Box Get-overs [0:00-3:00]
Equipment Substitutions:
~Use a chair instead of a box or put something on the ground to step/jump-over.
Event 5
2-Minute AMRAP
Dumbbell Get-up + Dumbbell Box Get-over [4:00-6:00]
Equipment Substitutions:
~Use a KB or a Ruck
~Use a chair instead of a box or put something on the ground to step/jump-over.
Event 6
For Reps
1-Minute Double Unders [7:00-8:00]
Equipment Substitutions:
~Bounding Jumps onto very Small “Box”
~Bounding Box Jumps (24”/20”/Low)
~Jumping Jacks