A Guide to Bar Muscle-ups


Bar Muscle-up Demo Videos

Bar Muscle-up

Banded Bar Muscle-up

Jumping Bar Muscle-up

Burpee Bar Muscle-up

Bar Muscle-up Transition Negative

Bar Muscle-up Jumping Transition

Scaling Bar Muscle-ups in Workouts


If you don’t yet have a big set of bar muscle-ups, then in workouts you have a choice to make. You can modify the bar muscle-up in a way that will progress your technique forward using exercises like the banded bar muscle-up or the jumping bar muscle-up shown above in the demo videos section. Or, you can modify the exercise to mimic the stimulus by substituting Burpee + C2B Pull-ups or any scaled variation of that. The Burpee C2B Pull-up uses the same muscle groups and forces you into an explosive hip drive like the bar muscle up and so makes for an incredibly substitution.


Bar Muscle-up Technique Videos


The foundation of the bar muscle-up is in your kipping pull-up. Check-out the Kipping Pull-up page for drills and tips to boost your power for the bar muscle-up!

There are so many similarities between the bar muscle-up and the ring muscle-up that there is extremely high carry-over once you learn one. The benefit to working on ring muscle-ups first is that the drills are more vast and accessible.


This bar muscle-up page is a major work in progress…