How to Add Accessory Work
Accessory Work Add-on Programs
Upper Body Accessory Work
These upper body accessory work add-on programs are designed to target the chest, triceps, biceps, upper back , and core and can be done either right after a regular training session on Tuesdays and/or as a substitute for one day of training on Saturdays.
Lower Body Accessory Work
These lower body accessory work add-on programs are designed to target the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and your core and can be done either right after a regular training session on Mondays and/or Thursdays.
Choose Your Path Below
In addition to our general workout program, we can further personalize the program for those athletes wanting to be more aggressive and workout more. A major thing these athletes need to keep in mind is that the general work-out program is already extremely demanding and most will do better by putting more technique focus and intensity on the general program than by adding in a ton of accessory work. With that said, with just a little accessory work done consistently over time, you can get a ton of results whether that be Olympic weightlifting or gymnastics skills, body composition, or mobility. Start small because you’ll be surprised how much can come out of just a little more over time.
Along with the MovementLink workout program each day, we will post Advanced Athlete Accessory Work in a way that you can be guided down many different paths depending on your goals. Remember, the healthier your lifestyle, the more accessory work you can recover from.
Simply, choose your path (Descriptions below the table), follow the regular workouts and then make the relevant additions pre- and/or post-class. The accessory work exercises will be provided on the workout pages towards the bottom.
Path Descriptions
Muscle Building Path - Recommended for strength, muscle building, and body composition goals.
Monday (Post-class) - Level 1 Lower Body
Tuesday (Post-class) - Level 1 Upper Body
*Important note: I’ll say it one more time, the regular workouts are enough for almost everyone. More attention to recovery and technique and intensity in the work you are already doing will be better than adding in more work.
**Additional note: Because the program is already rounded, you can choose to do only the upper body or lower body accessory work if that fits your goals. I personally do Level 2 upper body and no other extras, so I add in the accessory work on Tuesdays and I replace my Saturday workouts with the upper body accessory workout.
Oly Path - Recommended for developing strength, power, and Olympic weightlifting skill.
Workout: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Add Accessory Work
Monday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Saturday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Advanced Oly and Muscle Building Path - Recommended for targeting both Olympic lifting skill and muscle building.
Workout: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Add Accessory Work
Monday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Tuesday (Post-class) - Level 1 Upper Body Muscle
Thursday (Post-class) - Level 2 Lower Body Muscle
Saturday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Advanced Muscle Path - Recommended for aggressive muscle building goals for those with 5+ years of training experience.
Workout: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Add Accessory Work
Monday (Post-class) - Level 1 Lower Body Muscle
Tuesday (Post-class) - Level 1 Upper Body Muscle
Thursday (Post-class) - Level 2 Lower Body Muscle
Saturday (Replace the Class) - Level 2 Upper Body Muscle
Advanced Oly Path - Recommended for developing Olympic weightlifting skill for competitive athletes.
Workout: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Add Accessory Work
Monday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Tuesday (Pre-class) - Level 2 Oly
Thursday (Pre-class) - Level 2 Oly
Friday (Pre-class) - Level 2 Oly
Saturday (Pre-class) - Level 1 Oly
Elite Oly and Muscle Path - Recommended for developing Olympic Weightlifting and strength for competitive athletes.
Workout: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Add Accessory Work
Monday (Pre- and Post-class) - Level 1 Oly and Level 1 Lower Body Muscle
Tuesday (Pre- and Post-class) - Level 2 Oly and Level 1 Upper Body Muscle
Thursday (Pre- and Post-class) - Level 2 Oly and Level 2 Lower Body Muscle
Friday (Pre-class) - Level 2 Oly
Saturday (Pre- and Post-class) - Level 1 Oly and First Part of Level 2 Upper Body
Workout Programs
Looking for full workout programs. On MovementLink we have cycles designed for full gym access and cycles designed for people who have limited access or no access to equipment.