Strength #2 - Week 1 -Saturday

Macrocycle: “There’s Something About Mary-thon” - Week 18 of 25
Mesocycle: Strength #2
Minicycle: Week 1 of 3



Perform 10+ Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Your lifestyle habits are what make you are fit, functional, and healthy.

First Saturday DUBS Partner Workouts
Workout 1

For Time
550m Sandbag Carry (80/60/40)
550m Double DB Farmer's Carry (40s/35s/30s)
55 Burpee Pull-ups*

*Pull-ups - Can use a box to make them Jumping Pull-ups. This will slow down each rep, which will be its own penalty.

Score = Time

Workouts 2 & 3

1 Round
Sharing Reps Anyway - One Person Works at a Time

4min Double DB Thrusters (X)
2min Rest
4min Lunges
2min Rest
4min Row for Cals
2min Rest

Workout 2 Score
Partner A: Total Reps (Thrusters + Lunges) x DB Weight*
Partner B: Total Reps (Thrusters + Lunges) x DB Weight*
*Females Divide by 0,7

Workout 3 Score
Total Distance

MM: Same
MF: Divided by 0.925
FF: Divided by 0.85

Workouts 3 &4

2min AMRAP
One on the bike at a time
Air Bike for Distance

Then, 4)
8min AMRAP
Alternating Partners Each Round

15 American KB Swings
1 Lap Bear Crawl

Workout 3 Score =
Total Team Distance

Workout 4 Score =
Partner A: KB Swings x Weight*
Partner B: KB Swings x Weight*

*Females Divide Weight by 0.7

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