Strength #1 - Week 2 - Saturday

Macrocycle: “There’s Something About Mary-thon” - Week 10 of 25
Mesocycle: Strength #1
Minicycle: Week 2 of 3


Perform 10+ Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Your lifestyle habits are what make you are fit, functional, and healthy.

First Saturday DUBS Partner Workouts

Events 1 & 2

For Time
One Person Works at a Time

MM: Team Accumulates 1,000m
MF: Team Accumulates 925m
FF: Team Accumulates 850m

Starting at the same time as workout #1
5min AMRAP

*You can do burpees at any time.

Workout 1 Score:
Total Team Time

Workout 2 Score:
Partner 1: Reps
Partner 2 Reps

Workout 3

10min AMRAP
Alternate Partners after each round

Double DB Front Squats (*)
Lateral Burpees

*Partners can use their own DBs and choose any weight they want. One time during the workout, one partner may change to heavier DBs, but cannot change to lighter DBs. Note the round you change weights to calculate your score properly.

**Note, one partner will be the Odd Rep Rounds and the other will be Even Rep Rounds.

Workout 3 Score:
Partner A: Total Reps x Weight (Females and Masters Divide Score by 0.7)
Partner B: Total Reps x Weight (Females and Masters Divide Score by 0.7)

Workout 4

2 x 6min (6min Rest)
Sharing Reps Any Way with One Partner Working at a Time

Air Bike*
30 KB Swings (15 Each, divided up any way)
AMRAP Pull-ups

*MM: 1 mile
MF: 9.25 mile
FF: 8.5 mile

Workout 4 Score:
Partner A: Pull-ups* x KB Weight**
Partner B: Pull-ups* x KB Weight**

**Females divide weight by 0.7.

*Pull-up Variations
Chin-over Bar (Kipping Allowed) = Do Nothing
Green Band = Divide By 10
Ring Rows = Divide by 25

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