Week of March 8 2021 - Strength Week 1
Climbing Day
Post-Climb Accessory Work:
3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Narrow-grip Pull-up (Pull as high as possible)
b. Dumbbell Left-arm Bench Press (40)
c. Hanging Leg Raises
d. Dumbbell Right-arm Bench Press
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR.
1. Strength
Back Squat
6 Rep Technical Max (RTM)*
*6 RTM is the heaviest set of 6 that you can perform with really good technique and confidence.
**Remember this number as we will use it during this cycle.
2. MetCon
5 Rounds FIT
5 Double DB Devil’s Presses (40s)
5 Double DB Front Squats
50m Double DB Farmer’s Carry
*To estimate 50m, take 50 generously large steps.
3. Accessory Work
3 Hard Sets
Hip Thrusts (95)
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR.
Climbing Day
1. Oly
8 Sets
3 Snatches (55%-75%)
2. Strength
Bench Press
1 Set of 6 (40%)
1 Set of 3 (55%)
1 Set of 3 (65%)
1 Set of 6 (70%)
3 Sets of 6 (65%)
3. MetCon
Kettlebell Swings (45)
4. Accessory Work
3 Hard Supersets
a. Double DB Bicep Curls (25)
b. DB-Weighted Laying Knee Raises (25+)
*Today's Hard Sets are 3-4 RIR.
Travel Day
Follow-along Mobility