Workout 4 (Friday's Class) - Week 3

0. Recovery Session

10-Minutes of Movement and Mobility in the AM if you workout in the PM or vice versa.

1. MetCon

12-Minute AMRAP FIT
30 Burpees
Then, AMRAP with Remaining Time*
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

*If you can do a set of 15 strict pull-ups or more, wear at 20lb/10lb ruck/vest for this workout.

Scaling and Substitutions:

5 Pull-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~Number of Pull-ups Each Round Should Not Exceed 20% of a Max Set
~Pull-ups to Banded Pull-ups to Jumping Pull-ups to Ring Rows
Equipment Substitutions:
~4 Double DB/KB 90-Degree Bent-over Rows (50s/35s/Heavy)
~6 Double DB/KB 90-Degree Bent-over Rows (35s/25s/Medium)
~5 Sandbag Bent-over Rows (120/80)
~4 DB/KB One-arm 90-Degree Bent-over Rows on Each Arm (50/35/Heavy)
~6 DB/KB/Ruck One-arm 90-Degree Bent-over Rows on Each Arm (35/25/Medium)

10 Push-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~Not more than 25% of your Max Set of Push-ups Each Round
~Push-ups to Banded Push-ups to Knee Push-ups