Workout 1 - Strength Week 3 of 4
The Essentials
Macrocycle: The Adaptive Athlete - Strength Week 3 of 4
*Class workouts are also modified below into At-Home workouts in case you only have a
Pair of Dumbbells/Kettlebells,
Single Dumbbell/Kettlebell, or a
0. Recovery Session
Perform in the AM if your workout in the PM or in the PM if you workout in the AM.
1. Warm-up and WOD Prep
X:00 General Warm-up
X:05 Specific Barbell Warm-up
X:08 Strength Talk and Prep - 7:00 Clock Counting Dow
2. Strength
Back Squat
1 Set of 5 (45%) - Included as Warm-up
1 Set of 5 (60%) - Round 1
1 Set of 5 (70%) - Round 2
1 Set of 5 (75%) - Round 3
1 Set of 5 (80%) - Round 4
X:15 Start 4 x 3:30 Rounds (10 Minutes and 30 Seconds)
At-Home Variations
Split Squats
3 Hard Sets on Each Leg (1-2 Reps Shy of Failure)
3. Metabolic Conditioning (METCON)
42-30-18 Reps for Intensity and Technique (FIT)
Jumping Lunges
Timing: 12-Minute Cap
X:26 WOD Talk, Prep, and Strategy - Clock Counting down to WOD Start
X:33 Start -12:00 Clock Counting Up
Fitness Level Scaling:
~If you reach failure, move on.
4. Cool-down
3 Minutes of Slow Cardio
Front Shoulder Smash
2 Minutes on Each Side
3 Rounds for Quality
3 Slow Air Squats with Pause at Bottom
3 Cleans (Barbell)
At Home Variations:
~Barbell Cleans to DB/KB/Ruck Cleans
Timing Information Explained:
MovementLink programming is designed to be able to take place in 1 hour group classes. Gym schedules may have classes start at different times 5:30 AM, 6 AM, 8:45 AM, etc. We believe in creating a WOW experience to clients ever time they walk into the gym. On thing we feel like they deserve is to have their classes start and finish on time. We plan our classes to the minute, with some buffer zones, to ensure we finish within the hour and use our time as wisely as possible. The Timing references above are for coaches running classes and for people following along in open gym or at home to make sure their workouts don’t end up taking longer than they need to.
X:10 refers to 10 minutes into class. If the class started at 6:00 AM, X:10 refers to 6:10 AM. If the class starts at 8:45 AM, X:10 refers to 8:55 AM.
In the Advanced Athlete section. You may find a negative time, like X:neg5. For a 6:00 AM class, this would refer to 5:55 AM and for a 8:45 AM class, this would refer to 8:40 AM. Another note on these negative timings, is that they are assuming the athlete is going to warm-up on their own and are designed to tell the athlete the last possible time that they are able to start their bonus work and still join the class for the next section. In this scenario, the athlete completing bonus work will have warmed up on their own and therefore does not need to warm-up again with the class. They simply need to be finished with bonus work before it’s time for the coach to talk and prep for the first section in class.