MUD Strength #1 Week 3 - Wednesday

Macrocycle: “Murph’s Up Dude” - Week 8 of 25
Mesocycle: Strength #1
Week: 3 of 3



Perform 10+ Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Your lifestyle habits are what make you are fit, functional, and healthy.

Section 1

Bench Press
Warm-up Sets

1 Set of 5 (40%) - 8:00
1 Set of 3 (55%) - 6:00
1 Set of 2 (65%) - 4:00
1 Set of 2 (70%) - 2:00

Working Sets (4min Rounds)
1 Set of 5 (75%)
1 Set of 5 (80%)
2 Sets of 5 (70%)

*After Each Working Set, perform a Hard Set (1 RIR) of Double DB Bent-Over Rows

We have been bench pressing with sets of 5 on Mondays for this 3 week strength cycle, so use your notes to help dial in your effort levels today.

If you don’t have a reasonable estimated 1 RM, then work towards a 5 RTM today. 5 RTMs are typically around 80% of an estimated 1 RM.

Article: How to Estimate 1 RMs

Section 2

5 Rounds FIIT (10 Stations)

In 1min

3 Pull-ups (Hardest Variation Possible*)
Rest with Remaining Time in Round

*Ring Rows, Banded Pull-ups, Pull-up Negatives, Strict Pull-ups, and Weighted Pull-ups are all good options depending on your level.

In 1min**
30sec AMRAP Push-ups
30sec AMRAP Knee Push-ups

**This is intended to be a drop-set, so if you typically scale your push-ups, use your typical push-up variation and then choose a second variation that is easier than the first to do in the second 30sec interval of these rounds.

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