Snatch Workshop - Day 3
Movement Test
Couch Stretch
Movement Test
With so much sitting in our lives, this is the movement test most struggle with. The triple extension of the snatch (the power moment at the end of the 2nd pull where your hips, knees, and ankles are extended) is the biggest power generating moment in the lift. If you are lacking range-of-motion in the couch stretch, you are limited in your triple extension and will likely struggle flexing your glutes at the top. Make sure your glutes are flexed during this test as that is the pattern we will want to use in the snatch.
Skill Work
Hip-hang Snatch Pulls
5 Sets of 3
Hip-hang Snatch Pull + Hip-hang Power Snatches
8 Sets of 1 + 2* (55%+)**
*1+2= 1 Hip-hang Snatch Pull then 2 Hip-hang Power Snatches Each Set
**Start at 55% of your snatch max. Increase by about 5% of your snatch max after each set that looks good and feels good. If everything is feeling really good, you may work up to 75%-ish of your max, but the priority is developing the hip position.