Snatch Workshop - Day 4
Movement Test
The Behind-the-Neck Snatch-Grip Sots press is a great test for shoulder function and strength at your receiving position. Only go as low as you can squat and press perfectly with no compensating. That should give you a good idea of where your lowest receiving position should be. If you struggle with the sots press, add it to the end of your warm-ups and build up your capacity.
Skill Work
Heaving Snatch Balance
4 Sets of 3 (50%+ of Snatch Max)*
*Start around 50% of your snatch max. Go up in weight only if your set looks and feels good.
Snatch Balance
4 Sets of 3 (35% of Snatch Max)
*You’ll likely need to come back down in weight for the snatch balance, starting around 35% of your snatch max. Go up in weight only if your set looks and feels good.
PVC Pipe High-pull + Overhead Press
1 Set of 10
Hip-hang Snatch Pull + Hip-hang Snatch
8 Sets of 1+1 (55%+)*
*Start around 50% of your snatch max. Go up in weight only if your set looks and feels good. Increase by about 5% of your snatch max as you add weight.