Snatch Workshop - Day 2
Movement Test
Dumbbell High-Pull
Movement Test
This is an uncommon movement test, but is extremly telling. You should be able to pull a medium-for-you dumbbell up to your shoulder and hold it there. This position mimics the pull-under in the snatch and if you are missing this internal range-of-motion of either shoulder, then you will be compensating in your snatch. The most common faults because of lacking in this hang shape is that the shoulder will dump forward in it’s socket as the athlete pulls under the bar. This makes it extremly difficult for the athlete then to press out and receive the barbell with a shoulder in the right position. We typically athletes who do not have this range suffer from front-of-the-shoulder pain.
Skill Work
Grip Check*
*Don’t worry if your grip feels weird because you’ve made a change…that’s normal. Stick with it. As long as the barbell makes it into your hip crease and as long as you have some clearance overhead, your new grip will feel normal very quickly.
PVC Pipe Snatch High-pull + Overhead Presses
1 Set of 10 in Slow Motion
*You can use a broom handle if you don’t have a PVC Pipe.
Muscle Snatches
8 Sets of 3 (35%+ of your Snatch)*
*Start around 35% of your snatch max. Add weight only after a set that looks and feels good. 5% of your max are good weight increases.
Bonus Videos that May Help Today:
Note: In the videos below, these are not relevant to performing the muscle snatch, but how it ties into the actual snatch and the 3rd pull (pulling and pressing under the barbell into an overhead squat position).