Movement Test

Couch Stretch

Do you have full access to hip extension or are your quads and hip flexors holding you back? Better hip extension resolves a ton of running and lower back issues and provides a lot more power when we use our jumping movement pattern.


The Movement Test


1. Find a wall or a surface and place your knee in the corner. Make sure whatever you are using extends your ankle and foot up.You may want a pad for your knee. A yoga mat, pillow, or AbMat all work great.

2. Take your opposite foot and get it into a lunge shape.

3. Brace your core. For this one, make sure you flex the butt cheek of the leg that is against the wall and draw your belly button in before you stress the position.


You can use a foam roller, a medicine ball, a yoga block, an upright dumbbell/kettlebell, or a chair for support if the position is difficult for you.


4. Keeping your butt cheek flexed and your belly button drawn in, raise your body up. Stay tight and avoid the mistake mentioned below.


Full range of motion is being able to get your back to the wall, keeping your butt flexed, belly button drawn in, and rib-cage controlled without any work-arounds.

Common Movement Test Fault


When you let your butt relax, rip cage poke out, and or relax the lower abs, you’ve made a movement fault and the overextended shape looks like a banana. This is a work-around and does not count to get you to full range of motion.


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