Workout 5 (Saturday's Class) - Week 1

0. Recovery Session

10-Minutes of Movement and Mobility in the AM if you workout in the PM or vice versa.

1. MetCon

200m Run
20 Push-ups
1-Minute Rest
400m Run
20 Push-ups
2-Minutes Rest
600m Run
20 Push-ups
3-Minutes Rest
800m Run
20 Push-ups

22-Minute Time Cap

Scaling and Substitutions:

200-400-600-800m Run

Fitness Level Scaling:
7:30 - 10:00 Best Mile: 100m-200m-400m-600m
10:00+ Best Mile: 100m-200m-300m-400m
Weather Substitution:
Sub for the Runs:
Per 200m of Running ~ 1-Minute AMRAP
10 Jumping Lunges
AMRAP With Remaining Time
Jumping Jacks

So, the 800m Run,
4-Minute AMRAP
40 Jumping Lunges
AMRAP Jumping Jacks with Remaining Time

20 Push-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~No more than 50% of your Max Set of Push-ups Each Round
~Push-ups to Banded Push-ups to Knee Push-ups