Skill Development Workshops

Regardless of your experience, you should 100% start with our Foundation Course. The video series is designed to teach new people how to move, but also teach experienced athletes how to get the most out of your time in the gym. The MovementLink framework is what supports all of our training progressions and it is hugely beneficial to be familiar with how and why we do things the way we do. After the foundation series, jump into whatever skill you’re interested in most. It’s best to start with the more basic movements and work your way up as each will build and support the next level. It’s also best to tackle these one at a time. Put 100% of your focus in on the skill you’re looking to improve and once you’ve got a handle on it, move on to the next. Enjoy!


Learn the MovementLink framework to hone in on your technique in a way that is universally transferable. Beneficial for beginners and elite athletes.

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Whether you are working towards your first kipping pull-up or trying to get from 20 to 50+ unbroken pull-ups, the Kipping Pull-up Online Workshop’s drills and practice is designed to get you to the next level.

Develop C-Kip, Butterfly Kip, and Chest-to-bar Pull-ups!

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Ring Muscle-ups may be one of the most satisfying movements to work towards and achieve. There is not many movements we use that requires the amount of strength, stability, and technique used in the strict ring muscle-up and the kipping ring muscle-up. Ready to journey towards your first or ready to move from 5 to 20? Get rolling with our Ring Muscle-up Training Videos!

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If you don’t yet have more than 150 unbroken double unders, it means that either you haven’t taken the time to practice and/or you have inefficiencies in your technique that is just making them harder than they really are. It’s time to put those double under struggles behind you!


Form Check Video Analysis

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