Workout 5 (Saturday's Class) - Week 2

0. Recovery Session

10-Minutes of Movement and Mobility in the AM if you workout in the PM or vice versa.

1. MetCon

4 x 3-Minute Rounds for Reps (1-Minute Rest)

Odd Rounds:
200m Double DB/KB Shoulder Carry (50s/35s/Heavy)
Then AMRAP with Remaining Time
Strict Pull-ups

Even Rounds:
200m Double DB/KB Farmer's Carry (50s/35s/Heavy)
Then AMRAP with Remaining Time

Scaling and Substitutions:

200m Double DB/KB Shoulder Carry (50s/35s/Heavy)
200m Double DB/KB
Farmer's Carry (50s/35s/Heavy)

Fitness Level Scaling:
~All carries should be under 2-Minutes. Scale distance down accordingly.
Equipment Substitutions:
The carries today are meant to be a weighted shuffle run with two different styles, but how you hold it and what you use is less important than the awkward shuffle runs, so you can use anything and hold it any way that makes the 200m more awkward.
-Sandbag: Back Rack, Front Rack, or Bear Hug
Single DB/KB/Ruck: Shoulder or Farmer Carry
Bumper Plate: Shoulder, Farmer Carry, or Bear Hug

Strict Pull-ups

Fitness Level Scaling:
~Pull-ups to Banded Pull-ups to Jumping Pull-ups to Ring Rows
Equipment Substitutions:
~Double DB/KB 90-Degree Bent-over Rows (As Heavy as Possible)
~Sandbag 90-Degree Bent-over Rows (120/80)
~DB/KB/Ruck One-arm 90-Degree Bent-over Rows on Each Arm (As Heavy as Possible)


Fitness Level Scaling:
~Push-ups to Banded Push-ups to Knee Push-ups