MOMENTUM Nutrition Program


Nutrition & Accountability Program

Look Good, Feel Good, Live Fit - A Program with Coach Kyle

The nutrition and fitness industry is filled with outdated information, misrepresentations, and myths that are holding most people back. Did you know that 95% of diets fail within 3 years?!?!  It's not your fault, it's your methods!!! 

The MOMENTUM Program has been built and re-designed over and over again based on 10,000+ of Kyle's client hours and takes advantage of the latest in neuroscience, nutrition, habit building, and exercise science.  When you understand how the brain and body work, you can make the signals your receiving line up with your goals...when that happens positive change is not only astronomical, but inevitable. 

If you're ready to get serious, so is Kyle! He will help you build the body you've always dreamed a sustainable and realistic way that is customized to your life.

  • $150

    • MOMENTUM Info Session (2hrs)

    • With no obligation to continue the program, the information session is designed to be extremely informative and actionable, so even if you decide the program is not for you, the session should be well worth the investment.

  • $950 (Flexible Payment Plans Available)

    • Resources to Define What You Really Want

    • 3 x MOMENTUM Strategy Sessions

    • Your Custom Strategy and Plan

    • The 90-day MOMENTUM Journal

    • MOMENTUM Articles and Videos

    • 4 weeks of Coaching with Kyle

"The way the program is described doesn't sound like it would help with what I thought I needed: to get my nutrition on point. I guess people's perception of the grind of eating healthy is what's wrong.  The MOMENTUM program exceeded my expectations!  I feel like I have the formula now! Thank you SO MUCH!!!" - Joss Lajara