Benefits of Exercise

Join Any Workout Program and Just Start Creating a Habit of Exercise!

Making exercise a consistent habit may be the single greatest thing you can do for you life. Exercise has the ability to benefit our mood, energy levels, body composition, brain, and our capacity to move around and enjoy life. If you choose to exercise consistently or not, your choice will shape your life in profound ways.

If you are not already involved in a workout program, use this week to find and join one!!! Obviously, we'd love you to workout with us, but this week is about getting started with something, ANYTHING, at-home, in a park, at a gym, it doesn't have to be perfect, just follow you gut and get out there and go try something out!!! You are not picking what you are going to do for the rest of your life. If a gym or coach is pressuring you to sign long contracts or make a long commitment, etc., they do not have your best interests at heart. You have the rest of your life to figure out what works best for you and your life, but you've got to get started and that time is now.

Do you need to be in better shape to join a workout program? No! If a workout program has a prerequisite of fitness, they will make it very, very clear. Don't try and get in shape, so you can join a program to get in shape...just jumping into the program will get you in shape way faster!

If you follow us, you’ll learn about the importance of functional exercise, different training zones and intensities, how to develop endurance, strength, and mobility and the frequency and doses of different stimuli required, but you can dial that stuff in later.  Most programs are not organized well and will cause a plateau or leave gaps in your fitness eventually, but in the beginning, you're likely able to get an incredible start to your fitness journey by following ANY workout program! Even if it’s not a well-rounded program, it will help you build a routine and a base of fitness that you can then build on later!  Go find a program and get started!!!  

We highly recommend trying out a gym that focuses on all-around functional fitness.  There are massive benefits to endurance programs, strength programs, bodybuilding programs, yoga programs, etc., but, unless you are a professional athlete who needs to specialize, a strategic mix of principles from all of these modalities is the best way to improve as many aspects of your life as possible. Be careful! Doing classes at multiple gyms to mix and match their programs into your own program is not a great way of doing things as the programs will step on each others toes and negatively impact your progress. A program that is all-in-one ensures you are getting the right mix of everything you need with appropriate doses and recovery time between each. You can check-out our article on what it takes to develop strength, muscle, endurance, mobility, etc. here.

The benefits of exercise are vast and when we say “vast” we mean that there is zero chance we’ll be able to even come close to including all the benefits of exercise in this list, much less deep dive into each one.  So, the purpose of this article is to, at a high-level, list out the benefits of exercise because although most people understand that exercise is healthy, there are many benefits that most people are unaware of...and they are profound! 

Benefits of Exercise:

  • Promotes natural circadian rhythm by promoting wakefulness and helping build up sleep pressure.

  • Improved mood, depression, and increased happiness.

  • Increased energy levels.

  • Improved brain power, memory, concentration, and intelligence.

  • The risk of almost all diseases decreases and virtually ever single health marker improves in the long-run (when exercise is dosed correctly).

  • Immune system improvement.

  • Physical capacity to navigate life.

  • Build resiliency when challenging moments arise.

  • Builds stronger bones.

  • Better blood sugar regulation.

  • Increased activity of longevity pathways to help keep you younger longer.

  • Improved body composition.

Again, the point of this short article is simply to push you to get started!

  • Don’t wait till your schedule is perfect…you’ll always have a million reasons to push it off.

  • Don't wait until you feel great. Even if you're tired, sore, hungry, have a nagging pain, don't know what to wear, need new shoes...who cares! Just get started! Let your coach know what's going on and they'll should help modify what you're up to.

  • Don’t worry about if you think you can do it or not, if you’re in good enough shape, or if you’ll embarrass yourself, just get started, right now because everyone else in the gym had to have gotten started at some point and we all know what it’s like to try and get’ll be fine.

  • Schedule it and follow-through. You will be nervous. You will come up with a thousand reasons why that day isn't perfect and why you need to reschedule. Don't. Strong you decided to go workout, now in the moment you need to follow through on what strong you wants you to do.

Do something that helps you take a step forward and then just keep taking steps. The time is now. It is inevitable that you are going to go workout, so you may as well get started. You NEED exercise as part of your life, so no more putting this off. Get out there and go do it! If you want to be fit and healthy, simply act like a fit person…they are not special, they just workout consistently.

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