Workout 3 Endurance Option - Hypertrophy Week 2 of 4

Is Alejandro’s junk and are his cans going to hurt the parental rating of this site?

Is Alejandro’s junk and are his cans going to hurt the parental rating of this site?


Macrocycle: The Adaptive Athlete - Hypertrophy Week 2 of 4

*Class workouts are also modified below into At-Home workouts in case you only have a

  • Pair of Dumbbells/Kettlebells,

  • Single Dumbbell/Kettlebell, or a

  • Ruck

0. Recovery Session

Perform in the AM if your workout in the PM or in the PM if you workout in the AM.


1. Warm-up and WOD Prep

2 Prep Rounds
200m Run
2 Minutes of Dynamic Stretching

*********2. Endurance

For Intensity and Technique
2-Mile Run
10:00 Rest
2-Mile Run
10:00 Rest
2-Mile Run


Scaling and At-Home Variations:

2-Mile Runs

Run Scaling:
7:30 - 10:00 Best Mile: 1.5 Mile Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 1 Mile Runs

3. Cool-down


3 Minutes of Slow Cardio


Heel Cord Scrub
2 Minutes


3 Rounds for Quality
6 Alternating Reverse Lunges
30-second Downward-facing Dog Hold