Mobility - Calf

Mobility Exercises

Calf Smash

Calf Smash on Roller.jpg
Calf Smash on Dumbbell.jpg
Calf Smash on Dumbbel Foot Extended.jpg
Calf Smash on Dumbbel Foot Flexed.jpg

Classic Calf Stretch

Calf Classic Stretch.jpg

Calf and Hamstring Smash with Foam Roller

Calf and Hamstring Smash with Roller.jpg
Calf and Hamstring Smash with Roller Pull-up.jpg
Calf and Hamstring Smash with Roller Press Down.jpg

Inside Calf Smash

Great for Resolving Shin Splints!

Insdie Calf Smash with Lacrosse Ball Foot Extended.jpg
Inside Calf Smash with Lacrosse Ball.jpg

Outside Calf Smash

Outside Calf Smash with Lacrosse Ball.jpg

Yoga Poses


Downward-facing Dog

Downward-facing Dog MovementLink Recovery Mobility Stretch Routine.JPG

This Calf page is a work in progress and will continue to be updated with more information and details…