At-Home Beginner Workout Routine Day 4 - Only Bodyweight Exercises

Getting results is not just about go, go, go. Your body needs time to recover. This is actually when you get fitter! In the programming world (programming is putting together workouts) we have a concept called SRA curves, Stimulus, Recover, Adapt. Working out is a stimulus. If you look at the diagram, the horizontal line is your fitness. Working out is fatiguing and causes muscle and tissue damage, central nervous system fatigue, and stress. Working out makes you less fit, but it is the stimulus for adaptation, so with the appropriate amount of working out paired with exercises and time to recover, we can actually adapt higher than before, i.e. get better. This is why I cannot just give you random workouts to do all the time. Your program, the combination of exercise routines, must balance stimulus, recovery and adaptation across different muscle groups and your central nervous system.

For now, I just wanted to give you some basic insights into why, within a week, we workout 3 days in a row, then take a day for active recovery, then workout 2 days in a row, and take another day for active recovery. Fatigue can accumulate over time, so even if you feel great today and want to workout, it will be much more beneficial to you to stick to the plan and use today as the active recovery day that the program intends. My goal is to maximize your results. If recovery days were not vital to success, it would be a complete waste of time to include them and we would just workout everyday. That’s not the reality, so good news is, if you are working out with high intensity exercise 3-5 days a week for the rest of your life, you are going to be a super hero.


1. Recovery and Mobility Session

Follow along with this 30-minute Yoga-ish Recovery and Mobility Class that was filmed via Zoom


2. Mobility Exercises



Biceps Smash on Knee
2-Minutes on Each Side



Triceps Smash on Knee
2-Minutes on Each Side

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