At-Home Beginner Workout Routine Day 2 - Only Bodyweight Exercises

1. Warm-up

Follow along with this 10-minute Yoga-ish Warm-up


2. Movement Lesson

Below is the third and final of my intro video series that lays the big picture of how to move. Also, since we are using the Burpee today, in the video I’ll show you how the burpee is something more than just an exercise to get us out of breath!


3. Workout Prep

Before you jump into the workout, let’s get some good looking reps in. This is where we start to 1) get ready for the specific movements in the workout and 2) layer in technique work, so we just keep getting better and better over time.

2 Rounds for Quality
3 Burpees
3 Sit-ups

Do 2 rounds of 3 burpees and 3 sit-up slowly and as perfectly as you can focusing to develop your technique. Then do:

2 Rounds For Intensity and Technique (F.I.T.)
3 Burpees
3 Sit-ups

I use the acronym F.I.T. to stand for, “For Intensity and Technique” and what I mean is that I want you going as fast as you can with really, really, really good technique. As you develop your technique, this will allow you to go faster and faster. So many beginners fall into the intensity trap and they just NEVER make the progress they should be making. Beginners get impatient and prioritize intensity only. This works in the very short-term, but if you want to get the full results you are looking for, you MUST layer in the technique. So, in this Workout Prep, you will do 2 rounds perfectly, as fast as you can mimicking what you’ll do in the workout.

4. Workout

10-minute AMRAP

I use a lot of acronyms that, in the beginning may be a little confusing, but in the long-run they will understanding workouts simpler. Today has two examples of the short-hand I use. “

AMRAP” stands for As Many Rounds and Repetitions As Possible. There will always be a time component with the acronym AMRAP and so for the workout today, you will put a clock on for 10 minutes and you will do as many rounds and repetitions as you can within that time with a priority on technique. Remember, we want to push the pace as much as we can, but we don’t want to go faster than our technique allows. Over time, you’ll be able to go faster and faster and do more and more reps with good technique, but you have to build to it. Always prioritize technique over intensity.

The second short-hand I use is writing numbers like 3-6-9 next to or above a list of exercises like I did today. This simply means on round 1 you will do 3 reps of each exercise, on round 2 you will do 6 reps of each, and on round 3 you will do 9 reps of each. So, in round 1 of this workout, you will do 3 burpees and 3 sit-ups. Since it’s an AMRAP, you will then go straight into round 2 where you will do 6 burpees and 6 sit-ups, and so on until you run out of time on the 10 minute clock. For this workout you will just add 3 reps to your next round, which is denoted by the 3-6-9-…-(+3) , so after your round of 9 of each exercise you will go to 12, then 15, then 18 and so on until you run out of time.

I know it’s confusing in the beginning, but these short-hand strategies make it much easier to read as you get used to it!

5. Cool-down


3-minutes of Slow Cardio.
Go for a walk, hop on an exercise bike, some light jump roping, etc.


Triceps Smash on Your Knee
2-Minutes on Each Side


3 Sets of 3 Perfect Push-ups


Movement Test
Stiff-legged Hip Hinge

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