MovementLink’s Lifestyle and Fat Loss Article Series
Live Your Best Life!
This series of articles is designed to provide you insights into MovementLink’s perspective on lifestyle, which drives fat loss, workout recovery, and overall health and wellness to help you fast-track your results in a healthy and sustainable way.
12 Week Results Program
95% of people who succeed in losing weight, regain all or more of that weight within 3 years. If you want to ensure you’re on the right track, work with Coach Kelly!
How to Bypass Years of Frustration
Explore the typical stages of people’s fitness journey, the myths and misconceptions that come along with each stage, and how to fast-track your journey.
Workouts Don’t Produce Results,
they produce a stimulus from which you recover and, hopefully, adapt from. Those adaptations are the results and once workouts are in place, boosting recovery is the real game.
Your Lipostat,
based on your body fat set point, works like a thermostat to modulate the level of fat on your body. Learn to set it to “Lean”.
The Specifics of a Healthy Lifestyle
Boost recovery, lose body fat, gain muscle, keep joints and tissues happy, balance hormones, and helps us live a long and happy life.
Surrounded by Fat Promoting Norms
Where does the typical American lifestyle get you? Chronic disease and obesity statistics, driven by environmental and behavioral factors, are terrifying…
Supernormal Stimuli
can drive birds to give up their own eggs for artificial eggs bigger than themselves, explore what forces you are working against!
Yo-Yo Dieting
and the hidden, long-term consequences that make a sustainable approach to fat loss vital.
Health Analysis with InsideTracker
Blood test and analysis of up to 48 biomarkers in these healthspan categories: Heart health, hormone balance, sleep, inflammation, metabolism, recovery, cognition, endurance, fitness, and gut health.
Fooled by Your Increasing Exercise Performance
Performance can continue to improve long after body composition has stalled out, but, don’t worry…
How Much Exercise is Enough?
Enough for what? Enough to be a professional athlete or enough to live an amazing life?
Beat Bad Habits
Most of us have at least one habit that deep down we wish we would stop. Arm yourself with this highly effective strategy…