The Corporate MOMENTUM Program

Bringing insights and team building to support the health and well-being of your company.

My name is Kyle Ligon and although I may seem like a simple gym owner on the outside, I am really a community builder. I got into the fitness business because of my passion for health and wellness. Of course, like everything in business, once you start executing your plan you learn and have to pivot your business strategies. Over the years, I have learned about the true power a community holds and exactly how to foster deep meaningful relationships between people who would likely not interact much, if at all, in other settings. The journey of improving health and wellness has proven to be an extremely novel way to connect people on a deeper level. My gym is a local community gym. What I mean by this is that our focus is on building a community that makes our members feel like they are part of a family. Through a common mission and sharing and overcoming challenging experiences, deep relationships are established. A seemingly simple health and wellness initiative like the Corporate MOMENTUM Program can lead to huge productivity gains, not just through energy levels, sick days, happiness, and brain function, but through a sense of community that will spread through your business. The Corporate MOMENTUM Program is designed to build community in tandem with actionable, sustainable, health and wellness workshops and challenges.

The Program:

Everyone wants to live a healthier life, but the unfortunate truth is that the expert model does not work efficiently for most and information alone does not effect change. The Corporate MOMENTUM program is designed to provide the perspective and motivation everyday people need to implement simple habits and routines that will generate long-term, sustainable health and wellness results. The program is not the typical starve yourself, count your calories, eat chicken and broccoli for every meal, and workout all the time weight-loss challenge. Although these techniques work in the short-term, they are not realistic and do not teach how to create long-term, sustainable habits. These types of crash diets and fitness challenges lead people into yo-yo dieting. They get very excited and go all-in on a very aggressive diet and/or exercise program until the inevitable burn-out happens and they bounce back into old habits.

Now for the great news!!! Living healthy and getting people the results they’re after is actually so much easier than they ways I listed above! It’s about gaining perspective, convincing yourself of why your habits are important to you, taking the time to think about the life you want to live, and experimenting with lifestyle upgrades to see how you feel. Through the Corporate MOMENTUM Program, we will guide, coach, and educate your team on how simple, daily habits compound into HUGE results! Pair the program with a group of people all dedicated to supporting each other, and the momentum your team will create with employee well-being and the business’s well-being will be unstoppable.

The Program Includes:

  • Multiple In-person Workshops on Various Health and Wellness Topics

  • Before and After Measurements

    • Body Fat

    • Weight

  • Daily MOMENTUM Articles, Videos, Recipes

  • Private Group Support (Company’s Choice: Facebook, Slack, etc.)

  • Individual Support

  • On-site Workout Classes for All-levels (Optional)

  • 1-on-1 Support Programs (Optional)

Workshops Included in the Program:

The Intro Seminar (3 Hours) - The intro seminar introduces your employees to the MOMENTUM program. Among other topics, we will dig into:

  • The Big Picture of American Health

  • What is fitness and what is it’s role in your life?

  • MovementLink’s Method of Movement and how to translate it to the office, posture, yoga, and any sport.

  • The Role of Exercise, Nutrition, Non-exercise Activity, and Sleep

  • The MOMENTUM Journal and the 4 Week “Challenge”

Goal Setting Workshop (1 Hour) - To elicit people to change, we have found a Spin Selling approach of getting people to sell themselves on change is extremely effective. How many times have you heard about eating vegetables, working out, and sleeping? Has it worked? The whole program is not about us telling your employees what to do, it’s about us guiding your employees into selling themselves on what they should do to be healthy. Most people haven’t taken the time to really dig into why healthy lifestyle habits are important and therefore don’t see all of the confidence, productivity, and career implications of their choices. This workshop helps employees define the payoffs to their own personal lives and careers that will come with healthier habits. Among other topics, we will dig into:

  • Problems, implications, and further implications of their lifestyle choices.

  • Their career and life payoffs to resolving their problems.

  • Their purpose.

  • Their goals and the efforts needed to reach their goals.

Daily Habits and Routines Workshop (1 Hour) - They key to the long-term sustainable success of my clients is the consistent implementation of healthy habits. It’s not about a huge sprint effort, it is about learning how small changes implemented consistently over time create huge results. The great news, is the whole program is within the context of regular people working full-time jobs who have families and social lives. The lifestyle modifications are layered on top of the realities of careers and families. The goal is to boost health, productivity, happiness, and careers!

  • Habit Creation and How to Implement them Consistently

  • Willpower and Selective Discipline

  • Plans, Rules, and Back-ups

  • Creating an Environment that Works for You

  • Playing the Right Game

  • Mindfulness

  • Social Challenges of Healthy Lifestyle Changes

  • Self-Deception

Movement and Mobility Workshop (1 Hour) - Exercise and Non-exercise Activity needs posture, joint, muscle, tissue, and movement support. The reality of our modern lives is that we spend a lot of time being sedentary which causes posture issues, movement dysfunction, and just nagging aches and pains. This workshop is designed to teach your employees the basics of maintaining healthy joints and tissues. Through 10 minutes of yoga-ish movement and some more specific mobility exercises, employees will learn how to take ownership of their bodies and resolve aches and pains. They will learn now to survive the desk and airplanes and learn how to boost their recovery from workouts.

  • Yoga-ish, Functional Movement

  • Movement Tests to Identify Limited Ranges of Motion

  • Mobility Exercises to address

    • Spine Dysfunction

    • Joint Dysfunction

    • Soft Tissue Tightness

  • Stability Exercises to ensure proper support and balance

  • Movement Pattern and Strengthening Exercises to reinforce proper movement mechanics.

On-Site Workout Classes (Optional)

The on-site workout classes are designed for all-levels, ages, and abilities and will reinforce the core values of the MOMENTUM program. These group classes are incredible at building team comradery. Those who sweat and work hard together build a much deeper bond of respect and community that has high transfer to working together in a business setting. The on-site classes also improve employee buy-in to the program as they get more reinforcement and support from the MOMENTUM coaches. Workout classes will include:

  • General Warm-up - Participants will start to gradually get their heart rates up, touch end ranges of motion preparing them for the workout and developing flexibility and stability over time.

  • Specific Warm-up - Once hot and sweaty, the coach will prepare the participants’ bodies for the specific demands of the class.

  • Movement Lesson - Technique and form are huge components of sustainability with a workout program and transferability into the real world making the efforts put into workouts not only improve fitness, but also muscle and tissue health and posture in everyday activities. Lessons are short, actionable, and directly related to the workout of the day.

  • Metabolic Conditioning - This is also referred to as the WOD or workout of the day. The WOD will mix and match strength training, cardio, and flexibility and balance exercises in a way that has functional transferability to the real world and participants every day lives. We want people to become fitter, more functional human beings, look better, feel great, and focus on things that improve overall health and wellness.

  • Cool-down - As participants workout, they build up acid, acid which can only be expelled from the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system only works through muscle contraction, so a post-workout, slow and easy cool-down is extremely beneficial to aid recovery and reduce muscle stiffness and soreness.

  • Mobility - To take advantage of participants’ muscles already being hot and sweaty, the post cool-down time is perfect for a little bit of mobility work to focus on restoring normal function to soft tissues.

1-on-1 Support Programs (Optional)

The Corporate MOMENTUM Program is based off of our 1-on-1 MOMENTUM program we have been running with tremendous success. The magic of 1-on-1 sessions is we get to coach in the specific context of the individuals life and perspective. In addition to the workshops listed above, the 1-on-1 Coaching Program includes three one-hour session and text/email/and phone support throughout the program. In these sessions, clients are develop a mindset and perspective that is custom fit to their specific circumstances allowing the client and coach to talk through different scenarios, dig deer into their why, can get a crystal clear path forward with support and accountability. For those interested, the 1-on-1 sessions can be a game changer.

For more information on how the MovementLink team can build community, health, and wellness in your company, please fill out the form below: