Welcome to the At-Home Beginner Workout Routines with No Equipment Needed

At-Home, No Equipment Needed, Workout Routines

At Home Beginner Functional High-Intensity Free Workout Routines for Bodyweight Only.png

Welcome to MovementLink! On this bodyweight only workout routine blog, I will provide a series of workout routines you can do at home without weights and without equipment. Because of the nature of workouts like, HIIT, high-intensity interval training, workout routines are perfect for beginners starting out at home and can be scaled up to challenge the more advanced. I know that sounds a little backwards, but because high-intensity is a relative term, what that means to each person, beginner or advanced, will look very different on the outside, but will feel the same on the inside. Where long slow cardio helps you lose body fat and builds stamina and endurance, through MovementLink’s HIIT circuits, high-intensity interval training, we not only get to lose belly fat and build our cardio, we get to save time and have the additional added benefits of developing skills that makes us more functional humans!

The results I am going to get you through your experience with me here at MovementLink include:

Performance - I want you to to be a functional human being. We are going to work to resolve nagging aches and pains, improve your range of motion and your flexibility. Through the MovementLink Method, with weights or without weights, instead of memorizing proper form and technique for thousands of exercises, we are going to learn how to properly position your body for ANY exercise. Long slow cardio builds long slow humans. Together, we will increase your cardio significantly AND we will increase your strength, power, speed, flexibility, coordination, and balance!

Aesthetics - Want to lose belly fat? Long slow cardio works, but, it’s in the name, it takes a “long” time to exercise. They beauty of high-intensity exercise routines is that you can get the same amount of cardio and belly fat loss benefits in a much shorter amount of time. Additionally, the HIIT style of training develops other qualities that are vital to our bodies’ ability to be functional for everyday life and sports. The MovementLink at-home workout routines are designed to help beginners, and more advanced athletes, lose belly fat and look amazing!

Tissue and Joint Health - What’s it all for if we have nagging pains? So much of how good we feel is how our muscles and joints feel. Their health is directly related to your technique. Here at MovementLink, I want the techniques I teach you for these bodyweight exercises to transcend your workout time. The science and mechanics of moving our bodies just through our everyday lives and playing sports is the exact same as when we are doing HIIT bodyweight exercise routines. Why would it be any different??? I want to teach you not only how to optimize your body for exercise, but I want to show you how everything is LINKED (hence the name;) together! For each high-intensity workout routine, I will show you how to properly warm-up, cool-down, and how to use just your bodyweight to help improve range of motion and flexibility.

Overall Health and Wellness - The fitness industry is an interesting place with so many things taken out of context. Here at MovementLink, I will help you understand the context of everything we are doing. But, one major issue right now is the general public and many coaches and personal trainers are mistaking what world-class athletes (Bodybuilders, powerlifters, football players, CrossFit athletes etc.) do for performance for what we need to do to be healthy. For example, the general public needs to do a better job of understanding that when bodybuilders eat only chicken and broccoli to prepare for a bodybuilding show, that they are participating in a sport. A sport that does not test health in any way and most bodybuilders will be the first to tell you that what they do is not healthy. So, we can have amazing performance and look incredible, but we should not confuse what the elite of the elite are doing for their profession with what we should be doing as everyday people. Again, don’t get me wrong, you will become incredibly fit and you will look incredible, but I am only going to push things that balance PATH Results (Performance, Aesthetics, Tissues and Joint Health, and Overall Health and Wellness).

Here’s What to Expect

The MovementLink method of movement is simple. So simple in fact that it may be optimal. In a world that requires complex movements out of us for normal daily activities, our workouts in the gym should carry over and teach us how to optimize our movement in any situation we may find ourselves in. The simplicity of the MovementLink method, allows users of any fitness level to make complicated decisions about the biomechanics of optimal movement in any situation. Instead of learning hundreds of movements and positions, we learn how to apply the simple foundations of movement in different combinations and variations, cleaning up a messy web of hundreds of different movement patterns into developing a few that we use over and over again. When we specialize in a few that we use for everything the confounding effects this has on our results is significant. Long story short, we will simplify complicated movements to help you perform exercises in your workouts with good technique.

Ok, let’s stop yapping, and let’s workout. These At-Home Exercise Routines require only bodyweight and can be done without weights and without equipment. These exercise routines are not randomly put together. To maximize your results, we need to apply the right stimulus to your body and allow for ample recovery of areas. So, these bodyweight exercise routines are meant to be done in order. I highly recommend a 3 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 1 day off approach to maximize the balance of stimuls and recovery,which in turn will maximize adaptation and results. This combination of workout days and active recovery days also makes for a 7 days routine, so you can get in the habit of working out on certain days.

Along the way, I will provide you resources to help you with technique and understanding the exercises. I find that it helps both people new to exercise and experienced athletes learn my language of coaching by watching the content, especially in the beginning. The first video below, sorry about the audio on these:(, will set the stage for learning proper form and technique. Video #2 will show up as part of the lesson in your first workout and video #3 will show up as part of your lesson for your second workout. So, you can either watch the series now, which I recommend, or you can watch video #1 now and the others as they relate more to the specific workout you are going to do. See ya on the inside!

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